Average ROI
CXOs, Executives, and Managers can now gain insight into their projects’ health while there is still time to act. TrueProject accurately predicts troubled or even failed projects weeks or months in advance.
TrueProject is a KPI-based predictive project management SaaS solution that improves project health and performance. By delivering automated project oversight and governance, TrueProject uses advanced warning, predictive intelligence, and AI to identify potential project issues before they become critical, ensuring your projects stay on track and within budget.
Average ROI
Increase in project value realization
Decrease in project operational costs
Productivity gain
Saved per week by project managers
Saved per week by team members
TrueProject accelerates project completion, requiring less effort, ensuring quicker realization of benefits, and enhancing the delivery of intended value. By eliminating obstacles and proactively identifying project issues weeks or even months in advance, TrueProject significantly reduces the need for project rework, boosting overall productivity. The provided statistics represent the upper bounds derived from actual customer and potential customer project value assessments and estimates of tangible improvements in real project potential.
Now organizations can save money and projects by monitoring the factors that are the Early Warning Signs of project problems.
International Risk Management Expert President,
ITABHI Corporation
Today’s task and project management systems do a great job of telling you what has already occurred. Organizations that want to improve project success may want to consider solutions that predict issues that haven’t occurred yet. This is that type of solution.
Founder, Chairman and Principal Analyst,
Constellation Research
Coupled with project assurance, we have saved taxpayers an estimated $280 million that would have been lost to failed or challenged technology projects.
Director of Enterprise Governance and Planning,
Georgia Technology Authority
Being a consulting service provider, TrueProject provides us with customizable project oversight, with enhanced success rates leading to happy clients.
Director, PMO,
Systech Solutions, Inc.
What I love about TrueProject is its focus on trends and 360-degree view. Whether in a good or bad state, you can clearly see the overall trend for your projects or programs. You can then drill down to individual KPIs to understand what's impacting the trend, providing clarity for both our customers and management team at Coforge.
EVP and Chief Customer Success Officer,
There is nothing out there like this. It was obviously developed by someone who understands how a PMO works.
Author and Chief Scientist Emeritus,
of Software Productivity Research, Inc. (SPR)
TrueProject has addressed the opportunity to manage projects with the focus on performance and outcomes and provide the predictive insights and gain the knowledge to the health of your operations.
Partner and Head of Software Research,
After five or six months of using TrueProject, our team unanimously voted to continue its use due to the tremendous value each of our team members received from it.
Director of Solution Delivery,
Florida Department of Financial Services
The TrueProject team is very responsive, and we work through challenges and issues and come-up with solutions … the team is very top-notch.
Managing Partner,
This solution provides a governance layer of process discipline, best practices, and predictive analysis to reduce risk.
Chief Information Officer,
Georgia Technology Authority
TrueProject provides us a competitive advantage in our client engagements. The ability to highlight issues before they happen can significantly reduce cost and time over-runs.
Systech Solutions, Inc.
Advanced Management Insight, Inc. began as a subsidiary of a 41-year-old, $1.1B technology solutions and services provider headquartered in Allentown, PA. It has since transitioned into an independent entity. With thousands of successfully delivered projects, our TrueProject Predictive Intelligence SaaS solution for project health is built upon a real-world bedrock set of experiences.
Fill out the form below to discuss how TrueProject can help improve your project success. Whether you want expert insights or a personalized demo, we’re here to help.