Feb 1 2023

The Surprise

Your responsibility is to NEVER surprise the CEO with bad news. Let TrueProject provide real status in advance so you never “surprise” the CEO again.

1 minute
Nov 15 2022

Rear-View Mirror Driving

You wouldn’t drive your car by only looking in the rear-view mirror, so why are you running your projects like that. Get forward-looking, predictive status from TrueProject.

1 minute
Oct 25 2022


Our 3rd TrueProject comic installment; We think you'll get a real kick of this one as we ALL live this experience of work "juggling." Wouldn't it be amazing to automate your capabilities to predict and stay ahead of project risk? Enjoy!

1 minute
Sep 20 2022

Whisper Down The Project Alley

In our daily work life there are constant pressures from economic to customer satisfaction, to delivering our initiatives on-time, on-budget and meeting needs. We thought it would be about time to break some of these pressures with a bit more laughter. We hope you enjoy our new comic series entitled “Adventures In Management.” Each comic will explore a frequently experienced situation on the reality of why projects get into trouble and why many fail. Again, one of the best remedies to a bad experience is in the future to look back and laugh…or….

1 minute