

The collaboration between JobPlanner and TrueProject leverages JobPlanner's streamlined construction management software and TrueProject’s advanced predictive project management and AI capabilities.


Building the Future Today: Leveraging Predictive Intelligence for Superior Construction Project Management 

The transformative impact of advanced technologies like AI and predictive intelligence solutions on enhancing construction outcomes through early warning signs.

  Recorded Event

Predictive Intelligence: Changing the Game for Construction Projects 

Tom Villani, CEO of TrueProject, and DeWayne Adamson, CEO of JobPlanner, discuss how predictive intelligence is revolutionizing construction project management.


Building Smarter: Transforming Construction Projects with AI-Powered Intelligence 

Experience the synergy of JobPlanner's streamlined construction management software with TrueProject’s predictive intelligence and AI capabilities.

  News Release

JobPlanner and TrueProject Combine Forces 

This groundbreaking alliance aims to revolutionize the construction industry by merging the strengths of both companies, offering a joint solution that enhances project health and performance.


TrueProject and JobPlanner Infographic 

Read the Infographic.


Construction Project's Gamer Changers 

How Predictive Project Management will revolutionize the construction industry.

See how you can prevent project
failure with TrueProject

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