Jan 18 2024

Just Say No to Push-Button Thinking

Push Button Thinking

Last month, I offered some words of …. Well, if not wisdom, then at least caution … for adopters of AI in project management. Since then, we’ve been working on a research study, slated to launch at the end of January, which includes questions about how organizations are using AI in the project management realm.

Nov 15 2023

A Project Management Trip Around The World in 18 Hours!

project management officice

On Monday, October 17, 2022, at 9:00 am Perth (UTC +8), two Jamaican Project Managers started the journey of a trip around the world in 18 hours! This quest started with excitement, curiosity, and an eagerness to explore and learn more about the challenges, trends, and best practices in Project Management.

Oct 10 2023

Four Tools for Coaching & Project Management Success

project management success

Over the last few years, I have transitioned from working as a program/project manager to speaking to, writing for, and coaching project managers. And I have been paying a lot of attention to the tools that bring success. All too often we seek the “one thing” that will magically make us happy, successful, and effective.