Jul 4 2024

The Cost of Poor Quality: How to Avoid Costly Mistakes

cost of poor quality

Project leaders and stakeholders are familiar with the triple constraint: time, cost, and scope must be managed to ensure a project's success. Yet, there's a fourth, often overlooked constraint: quality. The cost of poor quality (CoPQ) can undermine even the most well-intentioned projects.

May 13 2024

Early Warning Signs: Spot the Red Flags, Ensure Project Success

Early Warning Signs

Projects do not become troubled overnight. Most of us have seen projects take the slippery slope from "green" to "yellow" to "red," and along the way, there are plenty of warning signs that can help you avoid failure. By not addressing early warning signs, you are setting yourself up for failure.

Oct 6 2023

Project Metrics: Early Alert for Project Troubles

Project Metrics

As a project leader, juggling timelines, budgets, teams, and managing stakeholder expectations simultaneously can be truly challenging, right? Did you ever stop to think that achieving project success lies in meticulous measurements and assessments—project metrics?