Jun 30 2023

TrueProject Unveils TrueProject 2023 

3 minutes

SaaS Offering Empowers Organizations with Advanced Predictive Intelligence for Project Success 

[Allentown, June 30, 2023] - TrueProject, the leading predictive intelligence solution for enhancing project health and performance, is delighted to announce the highly anticipated release of TrueProject 2023. This cutting-edge update introduces the capability to seamlessly integrate data from external sources, including popular platforms like Jira, ClickUp, and others, with TrueProject data. The result is a comprehensive analysis, valuable insights, and real-time project status updates, revolutionizing how organizations manage their projects. 

TrueProject 2023 represents a groundbreaking innovation, offering an unprecedented ability to detect and address project challenges and failures before they occur. Leveraging advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, and industry best practices, TrueProject provides a holistic view of an organization’s projects. By harmonizing data from diverse sources in alignment with TrueProject’s assessment data, clients gain an accurate perspective of their projects’ future status. This foresight enables proactive decision-making, allowing organizations to anticipate and resolve potential issues, ultimately ensuring successful project delivery. 

“We are thrilled to unveil the latest release of TrueProject. With this new functionality, we have elevated project analysis to new heights, enabling a deeper understanding of project status,” exclaimed Tom Villani, Senior Vice President of the Digital Innovations Group at CAI. “We recognize the significance of analyzing data from various sources to ensure project success and offer forward-looking insights, and TrueProject 2023 accomplishes precisely that.” 

TrueProject 2023 introduces an array of powerful dashboards, including detailed reports, visually captivating graphics, and interactive data visualizations. These tools empower users to make informed decisions by giving them a clear and realistic view of their project’s performance. With this knowledge of potential obstacles, organizations can proactively address challenges, steering their projects toward resounding success. 

This latest release exemplifies TrueProject’s unwavering commitment to enhancing clients’ oversight, governance, and predictive intelligence capabilities in project management. By providing a comprehensive 360-degree insight into all facets of technology projects, TrueProject enables organizations to simplify project management and delivery. 

Renowned industry expert R “Ray” Wang, Founder, Chairman, and Principal Analyst of Constellation Research, lauded the solution, stating, “Customers seek solutions that can accurately predict project problems and their underlying issues through KPI-based root cause analysis. This solution offers a proactive approach that is a major leap forward from traditional task management.” 

Clients across a broad range of industries have already experienced the transformative power of TrueProject, enabling them to eliminate project performance issues and achieve the true intended value of their initiatives. Mark Hermans, Chief Operating Officer of Argano, a leading strategic services provider, commended TrueProject, stating, “We selected TrueProject to provide Argano with additional insights beyond the traditional measures of performance to budget and schedule for our client projects. TrueProject is now a key component of our project governance toolset used across our business. It has become a differentiator as part of our sales cycles, but most importantly, ensures that our client project delivery is world-class.” 

TrueProject 2023 sets a new standard in predictive intelligence, empowering organizations to overcome project challenges and unlock unparalleled success. By harnessing the power of advanced analytics, AI, and a holistic project management approach, TrueProject solidifies its position as the go-to solution for organizations seeking to deliver projects with excellence. 

About TrueProject: 

By leveraging advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, and industry best practices, TrueProject empowers organizations to achieve project success by anticipating and addressing challenges before they occur. With comprehensive data integration and insightful analytics, TrueProject offers a realistic and clear view of project health and performance, enabling proactive decision-making and optimal project delivery. 

To learn more about TrueProject, visit https://trueprojectinsight.com/introduction